
Dr. Lozan Todorov

Dr.Lozan Todorov currently serves as a Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria. His PhD thesis, under the scientific supervision of prof. Irena Kostova, deals with antioxidant properties of gallium and lanthanum complexes with 5-aminoorotic acid. He has participated in and overseen a number of university-level projects in close collaboration with Dr Hristova-Avakoumova at the Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University- Sofia. Dr Todorov’s research experience includes a variety of antioxidant assays, involving a different reactive species, derived from various model systems. His current research interests are associated with the promising field of lanthanide coordination chemistry and its potential applications in biomedical sciences. To that effect, together with prof. Kostova, Dr Hristova- Avakoumova and in collaboration with a multinational research team, including prominent scientists from Spain, India and Italy, Dr Todorov is participating in a new project “Biologically Active Heterocyclic Ligands and Metal Complexes with Antioxidant Activity”, part of the Research Universities program, financed by the European Union, the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and the Bulgarian National Sciences Fund.